Tesco's in
Rickmansworth provide moorings for boat shoppers, as do several supermarkets down here.

Saw this piece of "Art"on the way in.
The last lock before London
Paddington Basin, our second choice of mooring.

Little Venice, our first choice. All boats are moored two a breast here due to popularity of site.
Well we finally arrived at Little Venice in the Borough of Westminster on Saturday afternoon and managed to moor up on a couple of boats already tied to the bank. On Sunday afternoon we swapped around and found a slot for Bendigedig with Shush on the outside. You are allowed to stay up to a maximum of 14 days here. There are a lot of boats around this weekend according to the locals but it's all very friendly, and boat people are helpful souls on the whole.
We had a good run down this week, the weather has been great. We stopped out in the country Monday night, Rickmansworth for two nights, (Erics back has been giving him trouble this week and he has been in a lot of pain), then a night out in the country again, Friday night we were at Tesco's Bulls Bridge, and Saturday we did the last 13 miles into Little Venice.
There are a lot bars and restaurants in this area and they seem pretty well suplied with customers, especialy as it has been so warm this weekend. We plan to do some sightseeing this coming week.